Risk and benefit perception of electronic cigarette among non-smokers In Yogyakarta



KHARISMA APRILITA R ; Dr. Susi Ari Kristina, S.Farm., M.Kes., Apt ; Prof. Dra. Raden Ajeng Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., Ph.D. (2020)


Smoking cigarette or tobacco in any form can be a serious killer and harmful for millions of people every year. Tobacco has been developed
into many variants, the latest one is electric cigarette (e-cigarette) or vape. This research aimed to find out the perception of e-cigarette’s risk and benefit
among non-smokers and what factors affecting the risk and benefit perception of e-cigarette. This study was a cross-sectional design and used validated
self-administered questionnaire. Questionnaire divided into three section: sociodemographic characteristics, smoking characteristics, risk and benefit
perception statements. Respondents were non-smokers in the province of Yogyakarta and selected by convenience sampling. Data were analyzed
descriptively and bivariate by using Chi-Square to identify the factors associated with risk and benefit perception among non-smokers. The results
showed that from 241 respondents, 18 (7.5%) were former smokers who had experience using vape but already quit, and 223 (92.5%) were never use
vape. Most of non-smokers respondent in Yogyakarta province have a high perception about e-cigarette risk and low perception about e-cigarette
benefit. Respondent sociodemographics (sex, age, education level, current usage of vape and income/pocket money) are not significantly influence the
e-cigarette risk perception among non-smokers in Yogyakarta province. Only smoking status or current respondent usage of vape that significantly
influence e-cigarette benefit perception among non-smokers in Yogyakarta province (p-value < 0.05). Smoking status or current vape usage from
respondent is significantly influence the benefit perception of e-cigarette by OR value 0.155 (0.054-0.444) and p-value 0.001 (p-value <0.05). This study provides novel information on the use and risk-benefit perception of e-cigarette among non-smokers in Yogyakarta. However, further research is needed with different study designs so that it can identify predictors of future e-cigarette use from non-smokers. It is needed to explore the factors associated with e-cigarette use in various regions and cities in Indonesia so it can represent nationally. Further, the government can make a more comprehensive ecigarette policy regarding to the all levels of society.


Selengkapnya: https://www.ijstr.org/research-paper-publishing.php?month=feb2020

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